Ambrismore Farm, Isle of Bute: A Dairy Story

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Changing rural practice and the biographies of buildings


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Film by mackay video

A now deserted farm on Bute inspired this storytelling...


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Survey team at work

..when detailed investigation undertaken as part of a community survey project recording deserted farms on the island...

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Old notice board from farm

...revealed archaeological traces of lost livelihoods...

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Grafitti at Ambrismore

...and forgotten voices.

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From Markus, G (2012) 'The Placenames of Bute'

Placename and map evidence revealed Ambrismore's medieval origins as a small farming collective often known as a 'ferm toon'..

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From Buthe Insula, vulgo, The Yle of Boot Blau 1654

Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland'

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Ordinance Survey First Edition 1863

Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland'

which was replaced by an entirely new style of farm complex in the early 1800's to compliment the new farming methods being pioneered at the time.

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Subsequent building additions, such as this covered extension added between 1863 and 1896, show how the archaeological remains of the farm testify to changing economic practices in the late 19th century

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Second Edition OS map 1896 showing extension to byre reproduced Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland

The extension was probably required due to the increasing need for storage for winter hay feed as dairy herd sizes increased, and can be seen in both map evidence and the building architecture of the farm.

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Change in stonework shows where new extension (right) was keyed into the original byre

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Modified from Google Maps,-5.0849112,622m/data=!3m1!1e3

Similar evidence of expansion can be seen on Google Earth images which show how later silage pits and slurry tanks were introduced as winter feed moved from hay to silage in the 1970's (1) and increasing herd sizes demanded ever larger cow sheds (2).

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Of particular interest was the expansion and mechanisation of the milking parlour facilities seen through the addition of the building on the left at some point after 1950, and the reorganisation of the space within.

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MMB Poster Advert

The parlour is a physical response to more stable economic conditions enabled by the Milk Marketing Board. Their guaranteed price for the farmer encouraged stability in the industry and their aggressive marketing of milk from 1960's onwards produced some memorable TV adverts.

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MBB Accrington Stanley advert from 1980's

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This stability slowly collapsed, however, due firstly to the introduction of EEC milk quotas in the 1980's and then to the re-introduction of a free market economy to the dairy industry in the early 1990's.

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For many, dairy farming became unsustainable. For those who remained the economic conditions demanded increasing economies of scale. As a result an increasing number of traditional island farms became untenanted, whilst milk price instability has moved Bute dairy farming towards an ever more economically precarious position.


This has forced new thinking about how built heritage and landscape are used to help sustain rural communities:

'Ambrismore, near Scalpsie Bay, where an existing stone byre will be converted to a four-bedroom family home and three new build homes will form a cluster of energy-efficient dwellings for rent.'

The Buteman 18th Feb 2014

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A word from Farmer Dan

But who now puts the milk on the table?

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Bute Milk from McAlister's Dairy

Support your local farmers.

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