Arrival in Leeds

This is a story of Elizabeth Talyor's arrival into Leeds from Ghana.

In 2011 (5 years ago) I came to the UK

It was a great vision to enter the country and come to Leeds

It was a joy to see a great city

This is a picture of the building used by the New Testament Church of God in Leeds at the time I arrived in the UK.

I met a lot of people in the New Testament Church of God in Leeds

I met a lot of people from other places including: Jamaicans from the Caribbean; Nigerians, Zimbabweans and Ghanians from Africa; and people from Brazil.

In my spiritual life I saw a lot of broken hearts, fear, shame and poverty. Family problems were common and there was no happiness in many people’s eyes. Every day my heart cried to God for them and I got to my knees and prayed for revival for the people of this wonderful country in the UK

I saw things that I had never seen before. I saw all the prophets in my dreams and about the work they did in these lands. I saw that they are praying for this land, for peace and for this generation of innocent children.

I started to go to homes and encourage people to let them know there is hope.

I did this so the people of the UK, especially the children would not give up and would learn to appreciate what their forefathers have done and what opportunity this country provides for them.