The Thackray Birth Stories project

Every birth story is unique and customs change through the ages and from place to place. Do you have a story that you'd like to share? Thackray Medical Museum is working together with the University of Leeds to collect and share the stories of Leeds residents.

The Thackray Birth Stories project aims to bring together researchers from the University of Leeds, curators from the Thackray Medical Museum and local parents and visitors to explore stories of childbirth and think about how the museum should tell those stories.

We're looking for local parents and visitors to help research the history of childbirth and tell their stories.

Thackray Medical Museum can be found next to St James’s Hospital in Leeds, two miles from the city centre and easily reached by road and public transport. Further details are available at

We'll be holding a drop in session at Thackray Medical Museum on Thursday 17th March, 5pm-8:30pm for anyone who's interested in learning more about the project.

A mother and daughter

Whether your story relates to a recent birth or one that took place some time ago, we'd love to hear about it.

A mother and daughter

We’re looking for local stories that cross generations and cultures.

Did your experience of giving birth match up to the plans you made? What do you wish you'd known beforehand and what do you think prospective parents should be aware of?

Image: Matt Johnson

As well as running a series of workshops, we'll be updating our Facebook page at 'Like' us to find out more.