National Holocaust Centre collection

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Material from the National Holocaust Centre's archive, added to Yarn as part of the research project 'Digital Tools in the Service of Difficult Heritage.


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An original drawing from the book Our Lonely Journey by Hans Jackson. The book focuses on the Kindertransport. This drawing shows the arrival of a lonely child with a suitcase in front of a ship.

NHC archive materials

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Jewish life in 1938; Leo’s home.

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An original drawing from the book Our Lonely Journey by Hans Jackson. The book focuses on the Kindertransport. This drawing shows a mother with her children at the train station.

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An original drawing from the book Our Lonely Journey by Hans Jackson. The book focuses on the Kindertransport. This drawing shows an upset child sitting on a suitcase.

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An original drawing from the book Our Lonely Journey by Hans Jackson. The book focuses on the Kindertransport. This drawing shows a family hugging.

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This book is called Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on His Oath. The author was an 18 year old student called Elvira Bauer, an ardent supporter of Nazi ideology. It went into print in 1936. The book was part of Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda and used as an educational tool with the intention of indoctrinating children into Nazi ideology.

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This picture is from the book called Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on His Oath. The author was an 18 year old student called Elvira Bauer, an ardent supporter of Nazi ideology. It went into print in 1936. The picture shows those who the Nazi's believed to be 'Aryans' reading ‘Der Stürmer’ an anti-Semitic newspaper. The picture reinforces racist stereotypes of Jewish people.

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Leo's classroom 1938.

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The street on which Leo’s family have thier business.

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The hiding space.

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Some of the survivors who come to speak at the National Holocaust Centre and Museum.

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Making our Journey: A video recounting school pupils' experiences of 'The Journey' exhibition at The National Holocaust Centre.