Edna G Olds Academy Using Digital Tools to Explore Difficult Histories

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During June 2016 Edna G Olds Academy in Nottingham has been working with the University of Leeds on an Arts and Humanities Research Council project to think about the lessons we can learn from the Holocaust.


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Mr Wood is Year 5's teacher and this is the film that he made with his group about the objects that are important to them. We learn about the group's pets, their hobbies why they are important to them and also about one of their teachers.

We began by making some short films together, when we thought about objects that said something about who we are and where we come from.

Paul Cooke — 8 years ago

What do you think about the things that the children have picked? What object would you pick?


This is the film that was made by Rosie, our project officer. Rosie also runs the project blog, which you can find on Yarn too. Rosie's film shows how the children in Year 5 come from all over the world.

Paul Cooke — 8 years ago

What do these objects say about the children's lives? Why are they important to them?


This is the film that Paul made with his group. The children talk about lots of different object, how they reflected things that they'd over come and how they relate to where their families are from.

Paul Cooke — 8 years ago

How can objects help to tell the story of your life?


We then all went to the National Holocaust Centre and Museum, where Marion, one of their educators, took us through their excellent exhibition 'The Journey', which is about Leo, a little boy who came to the UK on a Kindertransport. We were also able to talk to Susi Bechhöfer, who went on a Kindertransport when she was 3.

NHC archive materials
From National Holocaust Centre collection by DTDH2016

Paul Cooke — 8 years ago

What do you think about Year 5's questions? What questions would you have liked to ask Susi?


Here's a full-length documentary that has been made about Susi's life

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The BBC have also made a programme about Susi's and her search to find out who she was and where she came from.

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The University of Leeds has lots of projects that think about the lessons we can learn from the Holocaust. This is another project that Paul helped make a film for that examined how young people from the area could explore the meanings of the Holocaust through dance.

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The Leeds team has also been working on projects in South Africa to see how the Holocaust relates to other dark moments in African history and how we can learn from them so that they never happen again. This is a film that Paul made with some people who work at the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre.

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