Curiouser and curiouser

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This is a story about being curious. It was started at the Be Curious festival at the University of Leeds in March 2017.


We arrived having taken a trip down memory lane.

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We met Simon at the market stall and headed into the Michael Saddler building towards Room 101. Down rabbit hole number 1 :-)

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We met a friendly little puppy dog like Lucky.

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We took in some rays and gathered our lunch.

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We lunched in George's Field, found the statue of Michael Sadler and remembered Tina Richardson, E.W.D.Hurst and all the times past - exploring and linking things together. Did you know there is now an archive of nearly all that were buried here? Curiouser and curiouser.

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We skipped to the loo my darlings. Hey hoo - skip to the loo!

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We started spinning this yarn in the School of Geography Seminar Room 1.

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We visited Andy's office a span a bit more of our yarn :-)

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We dance down red route running and jumping, lurching and leaping - screaming with joy.

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We met friends in the Parkinson's court and talked climate change and all sorts. Rachel and Paul, Nick and crew, Tom and family, Boris and co., and Rusa and Laura (who gave us a copy of the final version of Dreams of a Low Carbon Future). We put dots on maps and and collected a cute cuddle furry Be Curious sticker.

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We went to the driving simulator.

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We departed home taking a trip down memory lane.

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