Off to Münster: An 1960 trip from Queen Anne Grammar School to meet Münster pen-friends

For York pupils learning German what could be more exciting than a trip to Münster to be become immersed in the language and culture of the city? Janet Robinson describes such a trip taken in 1960, only three years after our cities had been twinned.

The school party assembled at York station.

Referring to the accompanying photograph...

This is a party from Queen Anne Grammar School, York in summer 1960 off to twin with our penfriends in Münster at the Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium. Our teacher, Mrs. Jones is on the right. Her maiden name was Paula Bernadetta Marmenberger....much "posher" sounding than Jones!, and she was Austrian. My penfriend, Astrid Schwenzer, met me and we stayed a week. In 1962 I stayed 3 weeks with her and her family, Herr Kohler, Frau Schwenzer and brother Detler Schwenzer. We still keep in touch by cards and post cards. My A-level year was 1966, and after the exams I stayed with her in Ravensburg near Lake Constance with her uncle. On our return to Münster, I was "cold-shouldered" by Detler, an ardent football enthusiast, because of the World Cup!
Astrid went on to Atheneum, University and then social services. She did a year at Wakefield S. Services, often visiting my parents for w/ends and holidays As a result of our friendship, my father took German lessons, and eventually our parents met when my cousin in the R.A.F. was stationed in Gutersloh, and invited them all for lunch. He was an old Archbishop Holgate's pupil.