Yarn is based on mutual respect and was designed to be a welcoming space for communities to come together to share ideas, tell stories together and be creative.
To make sure all our users feel safe and comfortable on Yarn we ask that you abide by a few simple rules. By following these basic rules we can help ensure that we treat everyone equally, respect their views and develop a community where all users feel valued and protected.
Yarn is moderated and there are report abuse buttons on every page, but we really want to avoid having to use them and hope that we can trust each other to work responsibly.
A few simple rules
The legal stuff
Please be aware that the posting of racist, homophobic, sexist or disablist material could be illegal. It will be removed and you could face legal action. The same goes for pornographic images.
Please take every attempt to indicate where material comes from - if you are using something that is taken from another website please provide a link in your story.
1. Copyright Notice
Except where otherwise stated, copyright of all materials resides with Yarn.
2. Legal Notice
The information made available by Yarn over the World Wide Web does not form part of any contract. Changing circumstances may cause these provisions to be changed at any time. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, we cannot accept responsibility for errors.
3. Junk mail
No email addresses obtained from this site may be used for unsolicited mailings (junk mail) or given to third parties.